An Expert Advice

I feel gloomy that I paid so little attention to my very own good advises; had I’ve been taken those advises to myself I would have not committed those dim-witted mistakes. It is always that I give a lot of advises to people around me, but when it comes to me the assortment of advises that I have I find them futile. The typically given advice by me to others is to always stay positive and whenever I am going through troubles I am never able to cope up with them and always end up being negative. At that time I am just messed up with the thoughts and then they just get on to my nerves. I know what is good for me but I am always inclined towards all the negativity which that particular dilemma is encircled with. I am too much engrossed into the situation that I am not able to think anything else except that blow which has forced me to get into that peculiar situation of not acting normally. I think most of us have this habit of not getting over with one such incident that shatters us from within and we tend to endlessly think over it. One is not able to figure out what exactly he /she want. That fussy circumstance makes the person way too negative with his/her thinking potential. If I had an hour to think over and solve a problem I’d spend 55 minutes thinking about the problem and the negation it carries and hardly 5 minutes to  think rationally.

Over thinking about a problem and ways to get to rid of it is all in our hands. We are the only ones who are responsible for whatever we do with our lives. Thinking negative is like a hammer, to treat our lives which we can take as a nail. People will do whatever they will believe; if they want to take note they will snoop and if not then they will act accordingly. But still it’s an expert advice to just have constructive thoughts and nothing else in your mind because once you start thinking it creates a havoc which leads you to your breakdown. I may not follow this expert advice but will always going to give this opinion to everybody around me.

- Dipalee Upadhyay
